Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm Back

I'm back from North Carolina and I had a great time! Here are a few photos. I'll add some more if I get around to it. I also have some videos.

Blog of Salty

Salty, You weren't lying, you did start a blog! Lets hear some crazy stories of your exciting life down in Canute, Oklahoma. How bout some drunken audio blogs?

Anyway dude, this is the book I told you about:

Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Headphones!


I just found my long lost headphones!! They were under my bed all these months apparantly.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Love You Mom

I’m sitting here reading through the notebook I found yesterday in my old room in the house I grew up in. The notebook is a journal that my mother kept when my brother and I were little. The first line was written almost 20 years ago on October 14th, 1986. It is a short, to the point statement, “I’m going to make this book about my kids”.

I don’t know why, but that simple statement brings me to tears...

...What can I say, I'm a sentimental fool. More later perhaps, I’ve said all I can for now, I'm too stuck in my head.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Brokeback to the Future

This is great! Thanks for the link Dane!
The best part is the jumper cables. HAHAHA, Kinky! Just goes to show how editing can completely change the meaning of things.


I'm feeling very scatterbrained lately. There's still lot's I want to post about, and lots I want to do, but it's all muddled in my head. Time to make some lists to get things somewhat organized.

Also, sleep is probably a good idea.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Belated Birthday Amorphous Sentiency!

Ok, so I’m already 4 days late on this. For a week or so, I was planning to do this post on the 7th because that was the official 1 year anniversary of Amorphous Sentiency, one full year since my first blog post. But I didn’t get around to it on the 7th, did I? Nope. Well, in my defense, I was a little preoccupied… What? You want more details? No! …Well, okay, I was with a foxy lady, but that’s all you get you nosey savages! So mind your own business!

At any rate, I did want to acknowledge and pay tribute to my first year of blogging. Happy Birthday Amorphous Sentiency! We’ve traveled around the sun together, that’s like 940 kilometers! And what a roller coaster ride it has been. In the past year I have blogged 107 posts. Granted many of them were just interesting links, but I am proud of the writing I have done because writing has been a struggle for me in the past.

For me, this has been a year of remembrance, heartbreak, doubt and uncertainty, artistic accomplishment, pride, new friendships and discoveries. Some of this has made its way into my blog. I would like to share some of my favorite posts from this past year:

Writing Analytical Essays about Literature (07/25/05)
Sticking it to the man. English class is a waste of my time and they should know it. Down with the System Yo!

My Amorphous Sentiency (07/28/05)
When I first created my blog, I spent a good some time with a thesaurus to come up with the name "Amorphous Sentiency". This post serves to explain what I mean by it and to clarify it in my own mind.

Feeling Proud (10/25/05)
This post comes 20 days after Lauren broke my heart. School was also kicking my ass. It was an emotionally draining month (not that it only lasted a month) . This was a much needed affirmation of my strengths, and a fuck you to the depression and appathy that kept threatening to kick me in the balls.

Me In A Suit And Tie?!? (10/31/05)
After the breakup, I poured myself into my work hardcore. I supose it was how I delt with the pain of loosing her. Pushing myself so hard made for a very stressful year, but I do believe it was also my most sucessful. This photo has been published and it won me $1000! Damn I'm sexy!

The Abyss Of Choices: My Amorphous Sentiency Revisited (11/06/05)
A whole bunch of things on my mind. As usual.

Arrhythmia (12/26/05)
Ok, perhaps a bit mopey. But it's a little poetic, and I feel like it clearly articulated how I was feeling. I like it.

The Study (02/13/06)
Oh Yea! We Rock! We transformed that room completely and it was fun.

Froggy In The Pool Skimmer (03/25/06)
I didn't so much as write it as I just transcribed the words that materialized in my head describing a random, unprovoked memory from my childhood. It just sorta bubbled up into my consciousness.

Anti Entropic Part II
My kitchen is in a state of constant tension between order and chaos. This was an attempt to better understand the forces at play.

Pandoras Box
I still have not opened it, and it has now moved back into my closet. I still intend to open it one of these days. *sigh*

Happy Birthday Amorphous Sentiency.