Ok, so I’m already 4 days late on this. For a week or so, I was planning to do this post on the 7th because that was the official 1 year anniversary of Amorphous Sentiency, one full year since my
first blog post. But I didn’t get around to it on the 7th, did I? Nope. Well, in my defense, I was a little preoccupied… What? You want more details? No! …Well, okay, I was with a foxy lady, but that’s all you get you nosey savages! So mind your own business!
At any rate, I did want to acknowledge and pay tribute to my first year of blogging. Happy Birthday Amorphous Sentiency! We’ve traveled around the sun together, that’s like 940 kilometers! And what a roller coaster ride it has been. In the past year I have blogged 107 posts. Granted many of them were just interesting links, but I am proud of the writing I have done because writing has been a struggle for me in the past.
For me, this has been a year of remembrance, heartbreak, doubt and uncertainty, artistic accomplishment, pride, new friendships and discoveries. Some of this has made its way into my blog. I would like to share some of my favorite posts from this past year:
Writing Analytical Essays about Literature (07/25/05)
Sticking it to the man. English class is a waste of my time and they should know it. Down with the System Yo!
My Amorphous Sentiency (07/28/05)
When I first created my blog, I spent a good some time with a thesaurus to come up with the name "Amorphous Sentiency". This post serves to explain what I mean by it and to clarify it in my own mind.
Feeling Proud (10/25/05)
This post comes 20 days after Lauren broke my heart. School was also kicking my ass. It was an emotionally draining month (not that it only lasted a month) . This was a much needed affirmation of my strengths, and a fuck you to the depression and appathy that kept threatening to kick me in the balls.
Me In A Suit And Tie?!? (10/31/05)
After the breakup, I poured myself into my work hardcore. I supose it was how I delt with the pain of loosing her. Pushing myself so hard made for a very stressful year, but I do believe it was also my most sucessful. This photo has been published and it won me $1000! Damn I'm sexy!
The Abyss Of Choices: My Amorphous Sentiency Revisited (11/06/05)
A whole bunch of things on my mind. As usual.
Arrhythmia (12/26/05)
Ok, perhaps a bit mopey. But it's a little poetic, and I feel like it clearly articulated how I was feeling. I like it.
The Study (02/13/06)
Oh Yea! We Rock! We transformed that room completely and it was fun.
Froggy In The Pool Skimmer (03/25/06)
I didn't so much as write it as I just transcribed the words that materialized in my head describing a random, unprovoked memory from my childhood. It just sorta bubbled up into my consciousness.
Anti Entropic Part II (05/30/06)
My kitchen is in a state of constant tension between order and chaos. This was an attempt to better understand the forces at play.
Pandoras Box (06/23/06)
I still have not opened it, and it has now moved back into my closet. I still intend to open it one of these days. *sigh*
Happy Birthday Amorphous Sentiency.