My Amorphous Sentiency
Amorphous adj. 1. Lacking definite form; shapeless. 2. Of no particular type; anomalous. 3. Lacking organization; formless.
Sentiency n : the faculty through which the external world is apprehended
I sometimes find myself overwhelmed by the vague and chaotic threads of thought simultaneously swirling in my mind. I entertain some ambiguous thought that seems profound, yet my mind is divided. Full comprehension is clouded by the many other nebulous thoughts demanding attention. Each thought seems equally important and my mind desperately clings to each. I am gripped by anxiety. My mind is a chaotic storm of neural activity, but I am confused. Someone asks, “What are you thinking about?” I pause, What am I thinking about? I have lost myself in my amorphous sentiency… But I know there is order in the chaos.
What ARE you thinking about...?
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