Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Anti Entropic Part II

So, after my last post, I was feeling inspired. I barrowed my mom's laptop, grabbed my digital camera, and installed the "Entropy Cam" on top of the spice rack. There it would stay for the next 10 days, dutifuly recording a frame every 2 minutes. In this way I hoped to capture the entropic forces at work in my kitchen.

For the first few days, after having recently been cleaned, the kitchen remained in order. The cleanliness of the kitchen inspired motivation to maintain order. However, as the week continued, order began to slip. This in turn lowered motivation. It is a vicious cycle. It is exponential entropy. Order gives way to Chaos.

But be not fooled, chaos IS NOT randomness. The dispersal of items is not arbitrary, but the result of complex forces. Hunger, thirst, running late for work and neglecting to clean up. Items are used, forgotten, left out, moved.

Chaotic forces govern the workings of my mind. The interaction of several billion neurons erupts into my chaotic cognizance. I am. I exist and my existance is punctuated by emotion. Pleasure, Depression, Excitement, Inspiration, Anxiety. A long period of inactivity then a storm. Pent up frustration erupting into a sudden rage. Sexual tension built slowly and released in orgasm. The ecstatic joy of love and the gut wrenching pain of loss.


On May 30, 2006 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dylan Dylan, you're such a buttnugget. :-) Josh says you are thinking about your kitchen too much. Other than that, I feel that your time lapse makes your otherwise hum drum existence seem interesting. Not to say your life in particular is hum drum, because we all lead simple lives. The fun game we played was "Where's Shiva?" because she would pop up all over the table and counters. . .you have taught her no manners! It was cute. But yeah, it was easy to see how the kitchen was neat and then got mad crazy messy dirty and then I saw you cleaning up a lot and then boom, clean at the end. You guys like your beer games, eh? Who's the chick in the long t shirt? Anyway, it was cool, keep up the good work!

On May 30, 2006 11:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Haha. Ok, yes, but the point isn't the kitchen (it's just an example). The point is the interplay of forces and the emergent behavior of a system. That's how our minds work, that's how society works, and that's how the world works. That probably sounds pretentious...but in thinking about my kitchen, I honestly do find some understanding of myself and of the world around me.

Yes, there was an unusually high occurance of beer pong during that 9 day period. My hypothosis of the forces at play: Semester recently over; Roomate recently graduated and soon to leave; General lack of motivation upon return from a long day's work.

The girl you asked about is Chris's girlfriend, Sara.

On June 04, 2006 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

die lan. i have to be honest: i have not been homesick until that video. there is something about seeing the ebb and flow of trash to which i had become accustomed playing out before my eyes in weniger minuten. i am looking forward to getting back to hampton with yall quite a bit. any word on what chris is up to yet? has his sloth yet condemned him to another year with us? my friend rachel liked it too.

On June 04, 2006 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way, i may be to into german to know anything, but i thought the word was "borrowed". i miss your "fuck you mike"'s

On June 09, 2006 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

too into german, mike.

On June 10, 2006 10:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Mike, I had a feeling that clutter and mess would be the things that would make you homesick. We miss ya...even Chris admitted it.


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