A Knock on the Door
This morning there was a knock on our door. Adam (shirtless) answered the door. These two women were on the steps and they were really excited about some book called the Bible. Me and Adam told them that, yes, we had heared of it, and no, we didn't think it was all that spectacular. They kept wanting to talk. They asked us if we believed in God. Adam mentioned that he studys evolution at the University of Connecticut and he thinks it does a pretty good job of explaining things. I agreed. They didn't seem very convinced by this and asked if they could bring us a book about creation. We said ok, if it will make them happy. I don't think they ever did come back with that book.
It reminds me of the time someone sent me a prayer rug in the mail. It wasn't really so much of a rug....more like a piece of paper that claimed to be a rug. It also claimed to be "soaked with the power of prayer", which is presumeably what powered the little jesus optical illusion printed on it. Frankly I was insulted...this tiny piece of paper had the audacity to call itself a rug! The imposter rug also came with a prayer order form. There were boxes for things like: "A New Car", "A Money Blessing", "Pray for God to Bless me with this amount of money $_____". It all seemed pretty fool proof....I mean..there were personal accounts of good fortune and everything. But I'm still too insulted by the phony rug....they even insisted we send it back! Yea Right!
Down with paper rugs! I mean they dont even keep the floor warm. All it is is a dead tree waste of space, its not even nice to sit on...what gives? I guess I have a problem with prayer rugs too...I mean how is a rug supposed to answer your prayers anyway (paper or not)? It doesn't matter what the check boxes promised to give you because in the end its a P.O.S. rug that can't talk to non-existent beings anymore than anyone truly tangible and audible can. That rug lied to you...you should cut it so bad its gunna wish you aint cut it.
In conclusion, offer all bible thumpers an avocado in the hand and a pineapple up the ass...if only to see their reaction.
Jesus sucks, God sucks, and we only die because we accept it.
Okay, not that I am some sort of Jesus freak. .but. . .and I certainly have almost never been to church. . .but of what I know of Jesus, he was pretty fucking sweet in his day. I mean, he was a total liberal, hanging out with prostitutes and shit, and loving everyone. . .what is wrong with spreading kindness and love amongst fellow humankind? Everything I know of his teachings is stuff I already tried to live by before I knew of it because it just makes sense to not be an asshole to other people. I don't even know if I believe in a supreme being, but I do believe in the basic guidelines Jesus taught us.
As for prayer rugs, we got one of those once, too, and so did my dad. It was totally stupid shit, just like all those chain emails you get and crap like that. I believe we got them shortly after Katrina happened, and that was about the same time I saw this lovely picture:
We'll see if I got this html to post correctly. . . :-)
Fuck I guess not, let's try this:
Hey, I'm learning. . .
yah, Jesus was a pretty sweet dude in his day, but according to Christians he wasn't just a dude- he WAS god. (trust me on this one, i've been hanging out with lots of Chrisians lately and getting an earful). somehow christians seem to miss out on jesus' point of peace, love and harmony amongst all- they interpret it differently. they say, yah he hung out with everyone, yah he cured lepers, but while they are all cool and bffs they still aren't going to heaven unless they believed that he was there to save them from sin.
point being- you can love jesus and think he's cool, or you can LOVE him as your savior.
but seeing as though sin is a human construct meant to frighten the masses into submission, i'll go with jesus as a cool dude.
ahem... thank you... that is all!
i guess i should apologize for sending the prayer rug. i was just trying to do something nice. i will remember in the future that you do not like it when someone GOES OUT OF THEIR FUCKING WAY TO TRY AND GET YOU SOME COOL SHIT VIA PRAYER!!!!!! god bless.
by the way...post 1 was not mike. only post 5.
and 4 and 6.
Haha...I know Mike...I can always tell when it's you and when it's not.
Miss ya man...hope ur having fun over there.
No man named Jesus ever existed.
i meant a man named jesus once. he worked at Herzt car rental in San Diego. nice guy.
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