Tuesday, March 07, 2006


By the way, sorry I keep only posting links lately....they're just soo cool! Anyway, I've been busy with other things and have been neglecting my blog. One thing I'm working on is teaching myself PHP and MySQL so that I can make the website I've been dreaming of forever. I decided it was best to start with something simple tho so I've been making a simple website to keep track of our communal expenses for the appartment and keep running stats.

Anyway, I should have a whole bunch of content to put up soon...like art and maybe some video and stuff. (That reminds me....the Earthdance Film Festival at UConn is comming up in about a month! I gotta figure out what I'm going to submit.) I've also been meaning to maybe post some personal stuff on here.....It's been feeling very sterile and impersonal lately.

Anyway, right now I'm gonna try to get some work done...maybe even head to campus. I know...pretty lame thing to do over spring break, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and I want to try and get ahead or at least caught up in some places so I can relax a bit. We are at least planning on going on some kind of day trip before break is over.


On March 07, 2006 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

come to boston so i can stalk you properly.
it will be fun.
as long as you dont try to eat my brains.


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