11 Hours in the Studio

So yea, I was in the studio all night working on my clay sculpture project because it was s'posed to be due the next day.....but then school got canceled due to bad weather...a good thing considering I still didn't finish! The project is based on my Amorphaces and I have to say I'm pretty happy with how the 2D images are translating to 3D sculptures. Granted I'm not doing exact copies of the images, but I am using the basic idea. I still have a lot of work to do tho. One is pretty much finished, but the other two are just roughed out and one of those is being really fussy.
I ended up deciding it was crazy to stay till 9am and go to work on no sleep, so instead I left at 6am and caught a quick nap at my mom's house. Then after work let out early I went back to her house and slept for a bit. My mom made a delicious stir fry....but when she tried to wake me up for dinner I was apparantly incoherant...haha
Mom: Dylan dinner is ready.
Me: (dazed) I don't understand.
Mom: Dinner! Food! Eat!
Me: (frustrated) I'm soo confused.... (went back to sleep)
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