Cofee's Death
Fempto sat hunched in the corner.
Odd, I thought, and lifted the lid to their cage.
Where is Cofee?
I dug around in the dirty bedding, looking.
Shiva could not contain her excitement at this.
I pushed her away.
Finally I found it, Cofee's tiny lifeless body, and the stench of death.
Already it seemed shriveled, even the massive tumor that had immobilized her rear leg.
I carried the tiny body out into the rainy night and tossed it under the porch.
Sorry to hear that, Dylan. No burial?
who are these little creatures? some pet hamsters? mices?
mices with tumours???
Yes, they are pet mice. It's not unexpected, the tumor had been growing for a few months.
I could be just anthropomorphizing, but I think Fempto has been reminded of her mortality. She seems a bit unnerved and keeps running in the wheel.
pooor mousey.
PS: i fixed my wireless. Clearly, i am AWESOME.
so that means i get to talk to you later. ive missed you!
was that tumor there when i left? at some point man, get your ass and your camera over the krakow and prague (the latter from which i wirte you now). they are beautiful. i think they rival paris, but smell better.
The tumor may have been in it's early stages when you left, but I didn't notice it until about a month or two ago.
Anyway, I hope you're taking photos at least!
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