Sunday, January 22, 2006

Clark Gable

Clark Gable
The Postal Service

I was waiting for a cross-town train in the london underground
When it struck me that I've been waiting since birth to find
A love that would look and sound like a movie so I changed
My plans and rented a camera and a van and then I called you
"I need you to pretend that we are in love again" and you agreed to

I want so badly to believe that "there is truth, that love is real"
And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd
I greased the lens and framed the shot using a friend as my stand-in
The script it called for rain but it was clear that day so we faked it
The marker snapped and I yelled "quiet on the set"
And then called "action!"
And I kissed you in a style that clark gable would have admired
(I thought it classic)

I want so badly to believe that "there is truth, that love is real"
And I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd
I know you're wise beyond your years, but do you ever get the fear
That your perfect verse is just a lie you tell yourself to help you get by?


Awesome!!! Thanks for the link Mike! Hope you're having fun in Germany.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Battle of the Post-it Notes

Saturday, January 14, 2006

BaNaNaNa - Ba NaNaNa

WOMPFilms: dude...In the past like 60 hours.....I've taken one 3-4 hr nap
WOMPFilms: and that's it
Jcdrummr: WOW
WOMPFilms: i really don't know how I'm still I dead?
Jcdrummr: haha
Jcdrummr: profile
WOMPFilms: ??
WOMPFilms: ooohhhh
WOMPFilms: you should precede it with the part about being up for 60 hours
Jcdrummr: yeah, I was thinking about it
Jcdrummr: but it would be lying to my readers to make it seem like they were one after another
WOMPFilms: haha
WOMPFilms: it's called editing
Jcdrummr: yeah, thats true
Jcdrummr: ok, hows that?
WOMPFilms: it's almost as awesome as cheese
Jcdrummr: HAHA
Jcdrummr: you are tired
Jcdrummr: and I love it
WOMPFilms: for some reason I tend to get more creative when i'm over tired
Jcdrummr: yeah
Jcdrummr: you get crazy ideas
WOMPFilms: i think it's cuz the part of my brain that says "that's a stupid idea" is too tired to give a shit
Jcdrummr: haha
WOMPFilms: BaNaNana - Bananana !
Jcdrummr: :-D
Jcdrummr: keep going!
Jcdrummr: you should do an audio post about being tired and creativity
WOMPFilms: it's "The Notwist"
WOMPFilms: perhaps..
WOMPFilms: it takes so long to get through the menu system that I usually loose the mood
Jcdrummr: ah
WOMPFilms: but what the hell...i'll give it a shot
Jcdrummr: nice!

this is an audio post - click to play

WOMPFilms: it's major spaced out
WOMPFilms: and you can't here the baseline
WOMPFilms: i tried to play it
WOMPFilms: o well
Jcdrummr: theres a baseline in the post
WOMPFilms: you can't hear it
Jcdrummr: o

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Amazing Process Of Communication

What is consciousness and what does it mean to be conscious? Is an animal conscious? Plants have been known to implement basic forms of chemical communication, are they conscious? Could the whole universe be a conscious entity, and the birth and death of galaxies be just a passing thought in the uber-mind?

The inventor of the web, Tim Berners-Lee, writes:

"In an extreme view, the world can be seen as only connections, nothing else. We think of a dictionary as the repository of meaning, but it defines words only in terms of other words. I liked the idea that a piece of information is really defined only by what it's related to, and how it's related. There really is little else to meaning. The structure is everything. There are billions of neurons in our brains, but what are neurons? Just cells. The brain has no knowledge until connections are made between neurons. All that we know, all that we are, comes from the way our neurons are connected."

I think Tim Berners-Lee makes a good point. A word is just a combination of arbitrary sounds (spoken) or symbols (written). The fact that there are countless different languages in the world is proof of the fact that the sounds and symbols themselves are not important. Instead, people brought up in a given culture learn to associate concepts from their life experience with particular patterns of sounds and symbols. It is in the connections between these concepts that give birth to meaning and the ability to communicate meaning.

Furthermore, our thinking is always in terms of the structures of our culture. School, work, money, land ownership, court. We all understand these things, but try explaining them to some remote cultures and it could be very difficult because their reality is structured differently than ours. Even subcultures can have a hard time understanding each other because their realities are different. Take high school for example. The Jock and the Computer Nerd are probably not on the same plane of reality. That'’s not to say one reality is wrong and one correct. Every person lives in their own reality.

Anyway, I'’ll leave you with this:

The amazing process of this communication (a very short simplified version):
  1. My conceptual construct.
  2. Words form in my head.
  3. My brain sends a pattern of impulses to my muscles which move my hands in a pattern on keyboard to make symbols come on screen.
  4. The symbols are translated into symbols computers understand and sent as pulses over long pieces of metal, (and possibly as patterns of ripples in an electromagnetic field) to your computer.
  5. Your computer translates those symbols back to the symbols you recognize.
  6. The light from your computer monitor is focused onto a patch of cells in your eye that are particularly sensitive to light.
  7. This triggers a pattern of impulses to travel along other special cells.
  8. Your brain recognizes these patterns and connects them to their meanings and hopefully some personal understanding.

After all that, and if I have chosen my words well, I will have activated some parts of your brain that convey a fascination with the beauty and complexity of the mind and the universe in general.

No Sleep, Web Design, and Movies

So I've only gotten like 4 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours. I've been working on my final project for my web design intersession course. Today is the last class [woot!]. Anyway...I uploaded it to my recently purchased webspace.

Eventually I will have a larger, more involved site....and it will be cool.

I should also mention that I put a bunch of my movies up on my domain.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Friday, January 06, 2006

Pure Being

The Ever Present, All Encompassing, Abstract, Metaphysical, Conceptual Chaos (aka. My Amorphous Sentiency)

The buzz of complexity just beyond the reach of my consciousness serves as the background noise of my everyday life and clouds my current "reality". Rarely am I able to escape the buzzing and experience a state of "Pure Being" (I Heart Huckabees). I find the idea of pure being quite appealing sometimes. To merely exist, free of thought would be so relaxing.

Of course, the buzzing of my amorphous sentiency isn't all bad. Every so often the fog of chaos lifts to reveal a wondrous and beautiful world of hyper-order. The pieces fall into place and the answers are obvious. These moments of revaluation make worth while the general confusion they will once again inspire.

Trying to make sense of words that came out of my head. hmmmm....

I am cognizant of my world.
In my world, exists my body.

I am cognizant of my body.
In my body, exists my brain.

I am cognizant of my brain.
In my brain, exists my mind.

I am cognizant of my mind.
In my mind, exists my cognizance.

I am cognizant of my cognizance.
In my cognizance, exists my world.

Completely Random

This is probably my favorite flash animation of all time.

Just stare at it and let your mind go.....ahhhhhh...Feel the PURE BEING......... But SERIOUSLY don't watch it if you have been known to have seizures!!!!