Me In A Suit And Tie?!?

Seeking Order Within My Chaotic Cognizance
So.... a few posts ago I mentioned the projects I was working on and promised I would post that work when I could. I'm finally giving the update I promised! This is the work from several of my classes. As you can see I've been quite busy.... and I will continue to be as I'm starting a whole new round of projects (more on that later). I really haven't had much time to eat, sleep, and bathe....not to mention think. But ya know what... one of the great things about being an Art Major is that when all is said and done, I actually have physical, tangible results for all my toils. With most other majors, a grade on a piece of paper is all you have to show for your effort. Anyway, here's the work!
Too often I am frustrated with myself for letting so many of my good ideas slip away never to be realized. At times like these I feel that I am not productive enough, or I'm lazy. I look at what some of my friends, classmates, and personal heroes have accomplished and sometimes I feel inadequate. How can I possibly live up to that? It can get me down.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! So fucking exhausted! School is kicking my ass right now. Having four art studios in one semester is tough. It takes so much energy to be creative all the time, and it is really beginning to wear me down.