More Art!! I've Been Busy
So.... a few posts ago I mentioned the projects I was working on and promised I would post that work when I could. I'm finally giving the update I promised! This is the work from several of my classes. As you can see I've been quite busy.... and I will continue to be as I'm starting a whole new round of projects (more on that later). I really haven't had much time to eat, sleep, and bathe....not to mention think. But ya know what... one of the great things about being an Art Major is that when all is said and done, I actually have physical, tangible results for all my toils. With most other majors, a grade on a piece of paper is all you have to show for your effort. Anyway, here's the work! on the images to see more (almost always). I realize I may not have made it clear that all my images on my blog are just the tip of the iceberg. They link to galleries that show the rest of the work. So if you haven't realized that before I apologize and invite you to look back at the other galleries. Enjoy!

wow Dyl, those pasta and pvc creatures are way cool. They remind me of that scene in toy story where woody and buzz are at the psycho kids house and he's got all those mangled toys. Where are all those duck heads from? Anyway they're quite interesting. I like the pots, too, looks like you are beginning to master the wheel.
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