What I'm up to lately
Four studio art classes and 2 jobs keep me quite busy. I don't post nearly as much as I mean to.... Anyway. Here's what I have been up to lately.
Advanced Photography:
"Sequence" Photo project is due on Monday. My project is about our wasteful society. Last Friday I went shooting at the Manchester landfill (near MCC). I climbed around in garbage for 2+ hours shooting pics. It was smelly....hence I was smelly. There was one path that I could not go down because the smell almost made me vomit. I had to run away (literally). It was worth it though cuz I got some really good stuff. I had some trouble getting started (as usual) but once I was at the landfill and finding stuff that made my point, I got into it.

I also went to Walmart and took pics. My idea is to edit showing the orderly shelves of convinient disposable products, then show how it piles up. It's a critiscism of America/Western Culture basically. I tried to find images that had some sense of irony. I also played with Red White and Blue where ever I could. The final result will be a video with music etc....Should be cool.
Moldmaking/Casting: This project isn't due right away, but it is time consuming so I have to keep moving on it. We made 2 part plaster molds of different objects. I did an apple, some pipe thingies, and a rubber ducky head. Then we are casting the pieces in porcelin and latex and we have to make a series of 9 hybrids (attach objects in different ways). I'm making creatures out of the castings. It's fun! I'll try to post some pics soon!
Digital Photography: It's another Photoshop class. (My third one) This is my easiest class this semester. I have to take it because it's in my major, but I wish I could have taken the metals class durring the same period. Anyway, we are just finishing up our first assignment which was mainly to test our technical skills.. Our next project is "Scan-o-grams". We scan stuff on the scanner and edit in photoshop.
Pottery and the Vessel: My pants are coated with clay. We just started learning how to throw a pot on the wheel. It is significantly more difficult than it looks. It takes strength, and control to center, and the grog scratches up ur hand. I'll admit, I was overly confident about it. I was sure that I would pick it up real quick while everyone else struggled (such is usually the case, if I may be so bold). I have been having trouble tho. I had centering down, then I lost focus. Anyway, I still intend on getting good at it. And I look forward to making a lot of cool pots. For now, well we needed some basic mugs for our apt anyway. The other problem is that my wrist is kinda fucked up right now (carpal tunnel or some such) and it doesn't help it to be working the clay/typing this post. I really hope it gets better soon.
that flag picture is fucking PERFECT. awesome.
Thanks....wait till you see the final project...I'll try to get it up soon....gotta find a place to host my films.
Yeah, your video is GREAT, like I mean really awesome. It almost makes me cry. Screw what that teacher said about the ending. Do you have it up online somewhere? I'd love to put a link to it in my profile. I might be able to upload it to my Yahoo! but I'm not sure.
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