This Image Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With My Post (I'm just tired of seeing only text)

So..... It has been quite a while since my last post. I let it go for a day or two and it turned into a month or whatever. Anyway, It's been a busy few weeks. I was working lots of overtime at my summer job. And now school is starting. Let me just note that the parking situation at Uconn is ridiculous....and when I say ridiculous, I mean ri-god-damn-diculous. I knew it was bad.....but I never realized how bad. Anyway, W lot is a long way from the art building; 18 minute, very brisk walk (and I have long legs). I'm taking all art classes this semester, no pointless-waste of my time gen-eds thank god (though there are still some left on the horizon). I was gonna do 5 studio art classes because I'm still behind. The recommend no more than 3. I dropped one for mental well being. I decided I will be stressed out enough with 4 studios and a job. I'm already feeling anxiety just looking at the syllabi. Unnecessary anxiety about school seems to be a growing problem for me. Especially about writing. Which is why I have such a mental block about writing a post for this blog as often as I want to.
Anyway, I hope to post more frequently. Maybe I need to let myself be a little more informal like this and then perhaps I won't be so lazy about it. Soon I'm gonna put up some images of my instruments and a short explaination of the class I made them in. I promise!
Yo Dyl, is Y lot up on the hill behind mcmahon still commuter? You could park there, it's much much closer. Or get a shuttle schedule. They still have a bus running around campus, don't they? W lot is too damn far to walk, especially when it starts to get cold. . .or you'd be that much closer if you parked near the Ag College on Horsebarn road. Just a thought. . .
Hey Dylan - glad to see you back to posting. I think informal is just as good as anything else.
We all seem to have our "ri-god-damn-diculous" situations these days (my washing machine...).
Dropping the fifth studio was a good idea and I hope you can get a handle on the stress.
No pictures to post (how's my camera?) so "only text" here...
Yea Y lot and A lot are both closer to the art building. Problem is they fill up really really fast. I did manage to get my hands on a shuttle schedule. It's still annoying to have to park so far from my classes tho. Perhaps I was just spoiled the past few years when I was able to just roll out of bed and cross the street while my friends had to cross the whole campus.
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