How To Make A Buck Off Of Rabid Patriotism

We are proud because Capitalist America has the freedom to exploit Communist China for cheap labor. Don't you want to buy some overpriced "Freedom Cards" to show your patriotic support for your American Heros? What? You don't want to be a cog in their system? You're a Terrrist!!
Also Of Interest:
"The "Made in USA" sticker adds value, but American consumers seem not to care about it when choosing an item -- it just makes them feel better about it after they made the choice. My evidence for this is the "Support Our Troops" magnets -- there was a bit of a scandal when some reporters pointed out that they were made in China in sweatshops. Wal-Mart switched to having them made in NMI by slave labour -- sorry, "guest workers" -- with the "Made in USA" sticker, and kept the price the same. If they were really made under US labour laws, the cost would be somewhat more than twice what Wal-Mart charges for them. " - Found Here
"I read in the paper that a lot of the troops are complaining about the war, and want to come home. They're putting their lives on the line. It's my duty to support them, but I get confused. What message am I sending the troops if I read articles like that? For that matter, what kind of a message are those troops sending themselves? They are the troops, but it almost sounds like they're not supporting the troops!" - I Wonder What Kind Of Message I'm Sending To The Troops - the Onion
damn man. no one giving blog love no more? summer hits and their off the ship like rats. now you know your true rank...above homework and below freedom. don't worry though, i will stick by. it not only because i am still in school...grrr
it's easier to just go downstairs and discuss
Haha, thanks Mike, I appreciate the loyalty!
Hey, this is not about Rabid Patriotism, but about the realization that you have passed your one year BLOGGING ANNIVERSARY!!!
You SHOULD, however, make a July post to make it official.
Yes, I am aware. I had planned on doing a retrospective two days ago on the 7th, but I was busy with other stuff so it's been delayed. I intend on doing it today though.
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