My Amorphous Sentiency: A Visual Interpretation

So...It's been a few days since my last post....On a side note, I still feel kinda awkward and self conscious on the audio blog posts. I'll try and stick with it though and I should loosen up. If anyone ever feels like doing a guest audio post just give me a call! If you don't know my number just ask and I'll probably give it to you.
I've been in kind of a funny mood that's not very conducive to writing. All the writing I have done in the past few days has been very scattered and incoherant. I'm really still unwinding from one of my most stressful and exhausting semesters of all time. I'm proud though, I feel like I've been doing some of my best work. Next semester should be really cool. I'm taking 2 sculpture classes (wood and clay) and an independent study making sculptural, multichambered udus (a type of ceramic drum). I look forward to going to the studio putting on some music and leting my mind go as I work the clay. Building something out of mud with my bare hands is kind of primal and meditative. Photo projects on the other hand often get me overthinking everything and conceptually exhausting my already tired mind.
Speaking of which, I thought I would share some of my work from my digital photography class. There's a lot that needs to be said about this work, but I don't feel up to it right now so I'll save that for another time.
You've done a crazy good job with these photos! It's really interesting to see you putting yourself into your photos which you hadn't really done before. It seems like you are just going with it and not being self concious and realizing that you make an interesting subject too. I know you had a rough and stressful semester, but you've got a lot to show for it. Anywhoo I just wanted to let you know how cool your pics and stuff are.
Thanks! It really means a lot to me for you to say those things.
I really don't know why I haven't photographed myself in the past. I guess I was too self conscious. It’s strange though, for the past few photo projects it was kind of an impulse to photograph myself. I guess I’ve just been examining myself a lot lately and trying to figure out who I am. At least that’s part of it, I don’t fully understand it myself, but doing this work, and continuing to write almost daily, has helped me bring some clarity to my thoughts.
Anyway, I’m glad to hear from you. Hope your holiday break is going well!
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