Sunday, November 05, 2006

Run-on Sentence Revelations

Perhaps there is a book that is not wanted to be written because the ending is sad, even though most of it is happy, but people seem to focus on the ending and if the ending is sad, then the whole thing was sad, but the thing is, the story is life and life is one long continuous thing and the end isn’t necessarily the end, because life keeps going, and just because a chapter has closed doesn’t really mean it’s the end of the story and maybe it’s really just the beginning and even if two characters part in one chapter, they may return in chapters way far in the future because that’s how life works you know, your story coincides with another person’s story for a while, then shit happens and the two stories go on their own tangential stories, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that that the book is written and done and over because things can change and what once seemed to be the point of the story, soon becomes just another sentence in the real story.

See, it’s where you put the period that counts. But it can just as easily be a comma.

Update 11-05-06

Mom: Did you WRITE "Run-on Sentence Revelations"?
Me: yea
Me: last night
Mom: veerrry interesting.
Me: how so?
Mom: I think I'll have to read it a few times to make my sense of what it means.
Me: it's this form of freewriting that I do every once and a while....I try not to stop typing
Me: and I don't allow periods
Me: just one long run on sentance
Mom: You are such an interesting person.
Me: but that one got me thinking about editing and's where you put the period that counts...or where you end it...because that's the basis around which people draw their conclusions
Mom: You should read "Eats shoots and leaves."
Me: but if you just keep going, the point just gets mixed in as just another detail
Mom: Or the children's version.
Mom: Yeah, I see.
Me: and it's like life...because with life, it just keeps evcerything is constantly re-evaluated
Me: meaning changes
Me: btw..can I post this chunk of our conversation?
Mom: And that is a VERY good thing.
Mom: Why!?
Me: cuz I think it clairifies my point
Mom: ok


On November 06, 2006 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is actually something I do all the time in my classes. We are instructed to write for 15-20 minutes and the pen is not allowed to leave the paper, even if you're just scribbling. It can be amazingly cathartic and spawn interesting stories.

On November 08, 2006 2:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Certainly! :)

On November 09, 2006 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I have done this accidentally while blogging, if I'm really excited about something I can go on forever and forget to start new sentences. But intentionally? Hmmm, I may have to try that.

On December 01, 2006 12:57 AM, Blogger Al Mustashriqa said...

ironically, what this post really makes me think is 'gosh, when was the last time my mom told me i was an interesting person?' which either means i'm unnurtured or too self-involved.

also, it's been a while, i stumbled onto your blog again during a strong procrastination attack.


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